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The Hebridean Sheep Society is a charity managed by ten Trustees elected annually by the membership. They are the Chairman, the Membership Secretary, the Treasurer and seven more. The Registration Secretary is appointed and is a trustee ex officio. One of the Trustees is elected annually by the other Trustees to act as Vice Chairman.
The Trustees meet at least three times a year, generally in February, May and November.
Chair: Helen Arthan, Cheshire.
Treasurer: Rita Peace, Hertfordshire.
Membership Secretary: Helen Brewis, Buckinghamshire.
Registration Secretary: Vicky Mason, Cheshire.
Jack Cuthbert, Inverness.
Darren Cassie, Leicestershire.
Jonathan James, Peebleshire.
Nicky Mason, Powys.
Eric Medway, Yorkshire.
Emily Smith, Dorset.
Katy Tunstall, Warwickshire.
Dale Huddlestone, Warwickshire.
Padruig Morrison, Western Isles.
Anyone is welcome to contact us.
In addition, members of the Hebridean Sheep Society can find contact details for individual trustees here.
Book, mugs, clothing, calendar, cards